Sunday, 28 December 2008

going on 29 th dec

having been doing Christmas ,has meant I have not been painting till now ,although I have frequently popped into my studio to take a fresh look and the painting .i ve now worked on it again for a few hours and feel it s in that fluid place that they all seem to go through ,you feel like it s too tight too flat too sameish ,but you know from experience that if you just hang in there with it eventually it might be OK.

Saturday, 20 December 2008


l like the way the blue takes you in and out of the figure,she is intergrated with the space around her neverthelass there is still a solidarity about her that l would like to keep . The landscape is too predictable and lacks integrityand indivduallity ;must change that .I use a miror to check the balance

Friday, 19 December 2008

following on

here a some of my res ponces to the beginning of this canvas . Too much red;the area s of colour and form are too similar in size weight and density.There is not enough contrast,yet when l turned it sideways up l could see that it was nt so much that there was too much red and pink it was more that it was too bitty and the eye had nowhere to rest

Thursday, 18 December 2008


I thought it would be an interesting thing(if anyone is interested!)for me to show something of the process I go through in painting a canvas. So the idea is to put up a daily photo of one works progress..the good the bad and the ugly! l would love to have your views as I go along ,if anyone is following

Saturday, 13 December 2008


Why is it that you always seem to go for certain colours ? l love Alizarin crimson mixed with cadmium yellow ,it makes the most lovely pink -it attracts me ,it satisfies me ;but l don't know why..Prussian blue next to Indian red green mixed with alizarin crimson makes such a wonderful dark blackish green .A whole series of subjective choices,turn a painting into what it is ;it s a sort of random becoming ,a painting comes out of its self- a slow emergence,a very strange evolution .

Friday, 5 December 2008

man with a bird 2

this is a painting l have been working on ,it s turned out as a series ,cant tell you what it s all about, this bird thing ,but it s coming from somewhere ,l guess this is why we need art critics ,they seem to know what s going on in the artists mind !!

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Some say thats it s portraits that l do best ..well here s one l did earlier !! just a week or so ago .My long time friend Dimitri ,what do you think ?

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

working towards a deadline

lt s a good thing to have a deadline to work to every once in a while ..and l have to get 4 paintings ready for this friday .What s exciting is to see a little bit of joy turning up at last ...long may it last !

Friday, 21 November 2008

doing it is doing it

l know this is a very untidy studio but l love this room more than any other . l do try to keep it tidy ,but when l get going it s just a while of creativeity and thats the way l like it

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

here comes another

now for the colour and form

second chance

ok here we go again my second attempt at starting my blog the last one got lost in translation