Friday, 27 November 2009

From the heart ,still working

I know it s been an age since I put up anything .It s not that I have nt been working ,just been a bit busy with selling my house and finding another ,and also felt rather low ,when I feel low I get inertia so all goes quiet .Anyway here is some of the stuff l ve been trying to finish and two portraits ,one a commission and the other a painting of Max ,my brother in law who died on tues night ,he was a good man .The three paintings were a commision from a friend to paint her husband for his 65 th birthday ,l felt the one was not enough to capture him so did three for the price of one instead

Friday, 25 September 2009

just feel the need to keep something up on the blog ,I am working ,just cant motivate myself to blog right now .

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

l did landscape

yes l realy did ,l went to dartmoor arts and spent a week painting in the landscape ,which is code for painting in the rain !! and wind !! and mist . But it was both a chalenge and rewarding and l felt as if l made some headway wirh what was to me a no go area . Tell me what you think !

Friday, 8 May 2009

why dose nt anyone leave a comment on my portrait blog it really that aweful or boring ??!!

Monday, 27 April 2009

getting back to it

it s been so long since I have updated my blog I forgot my password and how to do it . Having returned from NZ nearly 20 days,I had to get straight into housework and art work !!A deadline of today for a painting to be entered for a competition,well we'll see if anything comes of it . I am a bit more confident now with my experience in NZ to think for it .I have left about 12 paintings in NZ ,8 in a gallery(inspirit gallery ) and the rest with my buddies at Eggsentric (oh dear,I miss them so ) So here are some photos of those left behind .

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

because a painting has a life of it s own ,l try to let it live

this is a quote from jackson pollock ,l found it on utube vis my google it s wort a peep

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

wee bit of a change of direction

picasso just sort of crept out of my subconsious ,,as he does !!! tra la

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Friday, 9 January 2009

some portraits

I thought it might be an idea to put up some of my portraits in a separate part of my blog so they can be seen and added to if and when I get more commissions!

2009 going on

Time continues to rush by and l am still changing ever changing ;enter the dark night ,l like it s dencity and intencity it s such a strange thing this creativity lark ,when is a painting finished >> when it s finished !! Picasso said that to finish a painting is to kill it >>